Tent City 4

Tent City 4 is at:

Seattle Mennonite Church

3212 NE 125th St, Seattle, WA 98125 

May 18th, 2024--May 16th 2025

#206-618-3901 for info

What you can do to help Tent City 4:

For more information/queries on how to help or other concerns please contact SHARE Staff at (206) 448-7889 or TC4@SHAREWHEEL.ORG

Interested in preparing a meal for Tent city 4? Email us at tc4@sharewheel.org for more information or to be added to our meal calendar.

Ways to Help Tent City 4

        (206) 448-7889  

Other ways for faith communities to respond to Tent City 4:

Contact Information:

E-mail tc4@sharewheel.org